Norpetrol present at the Pombal International Transportation Fair
For 3 days our Norpetrol team was able to accompany you at the Pombal International Transportation Fair to share with you all your concerns and requests. First of all, we want to thank all the customers who came to our stand to greet us and send us their comments of congratulations and requests for improvements. Our trip through […]
NORPETROL opens a new service station in Jundíz – Vitoria!
Dear Norpetrol customers! We are pleased to announce that as of October 26, 2023, NORPETROL has inaugurated a new service station in the Polígono Jundiz in Vitoria. This is exciting news that reflects our commitment to better serving our loyal clientele. NORPETROL JUNDIZ – VITORIA Location: Polígono Jundiz, Vitoria […]